With Chainsaw Man now knee-deep into its second major arc, the School Arc, people solely familiar with the anime may have questions about who one of the knew major supporting characters, Yoru, is. Here’s everything you need to know about them.
Who Is Yoru in Chainsaw Man?
Introduced in right at the beginning of the School Arc, Yoru is one of the Four Horsemen, a group of extremely powerful Devils that previously fought against Chainsaw Man before Pochita inhabited Denji’s body. Yoru, AKA the War Devil, is the sister of the Control Devil (Makima), the Famine Devil, and the Death Devil. Weakened by the fight with Chainsaw Man, Yoru began to coinhabit the body of a shy schoolgirl named Asa Mitaka, effectively turning her into a Fiend. Whenever Yoru is in control of Asa’s body, a series of scars appear across her face, indicating that Yoru is in control.

Yoru has one primary goal, which is to rescue the Nuclear Weapons Devil, who was killed and eaten by Chainsaw Man. Given that a Devil’s power is as strong as society’s fear of them, Yoru’s primary goal is to regain her power by reviving powerful Devils like the Nuclear Weapons Devil. With that in mind, Yoru wants nothing more than to defeat Chainsaw Man. However, given her weakened state and the fact that she shares a body alongside of Asa Mitaka, Yoru is limited in her combat capabilities, though that doesn’t stop her from boasting about her strength and lashing out at people that question her abilities. Maybe not to the same extent as Power did, but she’s not called the War Devil for nothing.
Yoru’s main ability is to create weapons from random objects. The power of these weapons is directly comparable to the guilt that Yoru or Asa feel about making said weapon. For example, one of the first weapons that Yoru makes is a sword made out of the spine of a teacher that Asa cared for very deeply, with said sword being able to slice through the Justice Devil without much effort. Over the course of the School Arc, Yoru becomes more powerful thanks to people becoming more afraid of the prospect of war, but they’re still not as strong as before they fought Chainsaw Man in Hell.
Over the course of the arc, we also see Yoru slowly become more and more human. At first, she showed little interests in Asa’s objections and worries, seeing her as just a means to an end. Because they share emotions however, Yoru started to develop feelings for the people around her, most notably Denji. Ironically, Yoru was unaware for the longest time that Denji was actually Chainsaw Man, only learning not too long ago about his special powers. She’s curt and rude to him, solely wanting him to turn into Chainsaw Man so that she can reclaim her powers, but those are more like classic tsundere tendencies, especially given how Chapter 167 saw her become quite… intimate with him. Whether or not that she’ll develop more feelings for him or even want to defeat him by the end of this arc remains to be seen, but it does make Yoru a fairly interesting a layered character, which is par for the course of Chainsaw Man at this point.
And that’s everything you need to know about Yoru from Chainsaw Man!
Published: Jun 5, 2024 01:01 am