Pokémon Go Fest 2024: Global is finally here, and one of the best things to do during the event is Shiny hunt. There will be a ton of Pokémon available to catch during the day, and here’s a look at all of the ones that can be Shiny.
All Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global

If you’re looking to capture all the Shiny Pokémon that you can during Go Fest 2024: Global then you’ve got a lot to do in a short amount of time.
There are several new Shiny Pokémon in this event including Ultra Beasts that can be encountered through Five-Star Raids. Other Shiny Pokémon must be encountered through certain habitats when they are active in the rotation.
Here is a full list of the Shiny Pokémon you can expect to encounter during Go Fest 2024: Global.
Image | Pokémon | Habitat |
Pikachu Wearing a Moon Crown | One-Star Raids | |
Pikachu Wearing a Sun Crown | One-Star Raids | |
Jangmo-o | One-Star Raids | |
Espeon Wearing a Day Scarf | Three-Star Raids | |
Umbreon Wearing a Night Scarft | Three-Star Raids | |
Nihilego | Five-Star Raids | |
Buzzwole | Five-Star Raids | |
Pheromosa | Five-Star Raids | |
Xurkitree | Five-Star Raids | |
Celesteela | Five-Star Raids | |
Kartana | Five-Star Raids | |
Guzzlord | Five-Star Raids | |
Necrozma | Five-Star Raids | |
Pidgey | Dawn Meadow | |
Pikachu Wearing Sun Crown | Dawn Meadow | |
Hoothoot | Dawn Meadow | |
Hoppip | Dawn Meadow | |
Girafarig | Dawn Meadow | |
Wingull | Dawn Meadow | |
Snivy | Dawn Meadow | |
Cottonee | Dawn Meadow | |
Ducklett | Dawn Meadow | |
Ferroseed | Dawn Meadow | |
Axew | Dawn Meadow | |
Galarian Stunfisk | Dawn Meadow | |
Heatmor | Dawn Meadow | |
Inkay | Dawn Meadow | |
Charmander | Shining Day | |
Dratini | Shining Day | |
Sunkern | Shining Day | |
Dunsparce | Shining Day | |
Hisuian Sneasal | Shining Day | |
Roselia | Shining Day | |
Solrock | Shining Day | |
Helioptile | Shining Day | |
Tyrunt | Shining Day | |
Dedenne | Shining Day | |
Yungoos | Shining Day | |
Fomantis | Shining Day | |
Jangmo-o | Shining Day | |
Pikachu Wearing a Moon Crown | Creeping Dusk | |
Eevee | Creeping Dusk | |
Spinarak | Creeping Dusk | |
Volbeat | Creeping Dusk | |
Illumise | Creeping Dusk | |
Gible | Creeping Dusk | |
Venipede | Creeping Dusk | |
Emolga | Creeping Dusk | |
Litwick | Creeping Dusk | |
Golett | Creeping Dusk | |
Durant | Creeping Dusk | |
Espurr | Creeping Dusk | |
Phantump | Creeping Dusk | |
Grubbin | Creeping Dusk | |
Alolan Rattata | Darkest Night | |
Gligar | Darkest Night | |
Sneasal | Darkest Night | |
Teddiursa | Darkest Night | |
Mudkip | Darkest Night | |
Carvanha | Darkest Night | |
Lunatone | Darkest Night | |
Deino | Darkest Night | |
Binacle | Darkest Night | |
Amaura | Darkest Night | |
Crabrawler | Darkest Night | |
Morelull | Darkest Night | |
Unown (A, D, G, H, I, N, T, Y) |
Pokémon Go Fest 2024: Global Habitat Rotation
The habitat in Pokémon Go will rotate throughout the first day of Pokémon Go Fest 2024: Global. During these times different Pokémon will be available to catch. Each habitat will remain active for an hour before changing again.
Here is a look at what time each habitat will be active.
Habitat | Times |
Dawn Meadows | 10 am, 2 pm |
Shining Day | 11 am, 3 pm |
Creeping Dusk | 12 pm, 4 pm |
Darkest Night | 1 pm, 5 pm |
Hopefully, with this list, you can make the most of Go Fest 2024: Global and catch as many Shiny Pokémon as possible.
Published: Jul 12, 2024 01:37 am