Another week, another exciting challenge starts in BitLife. This week, we will need to break it down on the dance floor as we work our way through the BitLife Disco Inferno Challenge — grab your platforms and bellbottoms and bust a groove with us.
BitLife Disco Inferno Challenge Walkthrough
Below, you’ll find all of the steps needed to complete the BitLife Disco Inferno Challenge, and what you’ll need to do to wrap them up quickly:
- Become a King
- Hook up with someone you met at the club
- Give someone you met at the club an STD
- Execute 5+ different people by burning them at the stake
- Go to the club after each execution
This is one of the more… interesting challenges available in BitLife, so let’s get ready to boogie on down and complete this challenge together.
How To Become A King in BitLife
If you’re hoping to become a king, you’ll have only a few options — be born as royalty, or marry your way into royalty. If you’ve purchased either Bitizen or God Mode, you can tweak your game and become a Prince rather easily. Otherwise, you’ll need to hope that RNG is on your side and puts you in the place you deserve to be. You’ll want to be born in a European country if you’re hoping to become a king, so aim for somewhere in the UK to become a King as quickly as possible.
How To Hook Up With Someone You Met At The Club in BitLife

To complete this part of the challenge, you’ll want to head into the Activities tab from the main menu and select the Nightlife option. From here, select whichever Club has the most appealing name to you, it doesn’t really matter which one you choose. If you’re lucky — in more ways than one — you’ll have the option to hook up with someone that you’ve met. You may want to engage in some unprotected you-know-what if you’re hoping to catch an STD for the upcoming steps. You may also end up with a Prince or Princess of your own.
How To Give Someone You Met At The Club an STD in BitLife
You’ll want to continue the steps that we detailed above and just keep having as much “fun” as possible. You should hopefully pass along the STD that you’ve contracted to another worthy vessel. After you’ve received notification that you’ve done this step, it’s time to move on to the most bizarre portion of this challenge.
How To Burn Someone At The Stake in BitLife

Since you’re Royalty, you’ll have a variety of unique murder methods available to you — this includes the option to burn someone at the stake. You’ll need to hit the Activities button once again, and then select Crime. In this menu, select the Murder option and select a few unwilling victims to feel your wrath. You’ll can spread this out over time, or do them all at once. But, before you commit another murder, make sure you hit the club first.
Related: How to Become a Model in BitLife
That’s right — after every murder that you commit by burning someone at the stake, make sure you’re taking a bit of time to party in between. What you do after this point is up to you, but we would recommend just knocking out all 5+ murders at once. That way, you can live the rest of your life out in pure grandous fashion.
That’s all you’ll need to do to complete this BitLife challenge. Make sure that you’re tuning in next week for whatever wacky challenge they throw our way again, and make sure you know exactly which packs you should be buying before then.
BitLife is available now on iOS and Android.
Published: Jun 1, 2024 03:16 pm