As you begin your journey in Dynasty Warriors: Origins, one of the key pieces of equipment you’ll need to turn the tide of battle will be Gems. Here’s what they do and how you can craft them.
How To Craft Gems in Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Gems are equipable items that you can craft in-game, but you’ll have to go through a few steps first before you can unlock them. First, once you join Lui Bei’s Volunteer Army in Chapter 1, if you head to an Inn, you should receive a letter from Zhang Fei, who will tell you about Gems and raw material known as Pyroxene.
Pyroxene can be found on the overworld in large, jewel-like formations. These spawn randomly, so as you’re making your way through the world on your way to your next battle, stop to search around for these valuable items. You can also earn them as a reward for completing sidequests, collecting enough Old Coins, and reading letters at the Inn, so it won’t be long until you have a decent supply of them.

Once you do find some Pyroxene, return to an Inn, and you’ll be able to craft them into Gems. Crafting Gems is a randomized process. You’ll select a certain amount of Gems, and then they will automatically be crafted into one of several different types of gems. It doesn’t matter if you put in one gem or ten, the results will always be randomized. The only way you can predict which Gems will be made is if there is a white glowing aura around them in the crafting menu when you open it after you enter an in. If there is an aura surrounding a Gem, then only Gems of that type can be made during that visit.
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Gems also have the ability to level up the more you craft particular Gems in Dynasty Warrior: Origins. Refine enough Pryoxene into one type of Gem and the benefits of the Gem will increase. These are mostly buffs, and given that starting off you can only equip one Gem at a time in Dynasty Warriors: Origins, you’ll want to carefully weigh the benefits of one Gem versus another when entering battle. For example, the Wellspring Gem will heal a set amount of health for every 100 enemy soldiers you kill, which would probably be better when entering battles with large amounts of enemies.
However, a Gem like the Ascendence Gem, which increases the chance of automatically blocking officer attacks, would probably be more useful in one-on-one battles against officers and generals. Yes, these buffs are meager at first, but with enough time, they can probably make the difference between winning and losing a battle.
And that’s how you craft Gems Dynasty Warriors: Origins.
Dynasty Warriors: Origins is now available on PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S.
Published: Jan 14, 2025 12:35 pm