There are plenty of fun quests to take on in Final Fantasy XIV‘s expansion, Dawntrail and a few puzzles that might leave you stumped. Here’s how to find out which ranch hand is Tobli in FFXIV.
Which Ranch Hand Is Tobli in FFXIV Dawntrail?

When you arrive in Urqopacha in FFXIV Dawntrail, you’ll be tasked with searching around the alpaca field to find Tobli, who’s one of the ranch hands there. Tobli will be able to help Wuk Lamat continue her bid to become the new Dawnservant. After interrogating all three ranch hands, Wuk Lamat will then ask you who you think Tobli is. The correct answer is the diligent ranch hand.
When speaking with Wuk Lamat, tell her that you’ve picked the diligent ranch hand. A cutscene will play out where she talks to them to unmask them, and they’ll reveal that they are indeed Tobli. This will allow the MSQ to continue on.
What Happens If You Pick Wrongly?
The good news is that even if you picked wrongly and went with the boastful or nonchalant ranch hand, as I did, you get to pick again and go with the diligent ranch hand. The only difference is that you’ll get another scene with Wuk Lamat paying a handsome sum of money to the wrong person, and she’ll lament about having wasted the coin. Your own funds won’t be affected.
After you’ve correctly identified Tobli in FFXIV, Wuk Lamat will also make a comment saying that this cost her more coin than she would’ve liked, causing the Warrior of Light to give her a guilty face.
And that’s everything you need to know about finding Tobli in FFXIV Dawntrail. Be sure to search up The Escapist for more tips and information on the game, including what the max level cap is and how to play the new Viper job.
FFXIV Dawntrail launches on July 2.
Published: Jul 1, 2024 12:18 am