The Smithscript Greathammer is one of the new throwing weapons in Elden Ring and it’s fairly easy to get in the Realm of Shadow. Here’s how to get the Smithscript Greathammer in Elden Ring.
Where to Find the Smithscript Greathammer in Elden Ring

The Smithscript Greathammer in Elden Ring is located in Taylew’s Ruined Forge, to the north of the Ancient Ruins Base Site of Grace. If you spawn at the grace and head up the small hill directly ahead, you will eventually find a rocky entrance that all forges have. Head inside and claim the Site of Grace before you go any further. Just like the other forge areas in Shadow of the Erdtree, these areas act as small dungeons with plenty of Stone Golems moving around.
Most of the Ruined Forges in the game have at least two items you can collect for your troubles. The Smithscript Greathammer in Elden Ring is one of the main rewards for completing the Taylew Forge and it’s certainly worth the trouble. Light attacks on the weapon act as normal hammer swings, but it’s the heavy attack that makes the throwing weapon shine. Whether charged or not, each heavy swing will have your character twirl around and toss the hammer like Thor. It has a ton of stagger and plenty of damage to follow.
One of the main challenges to getting the weapon is simply finding the Ruins Base area of the DLC. If you’re having trouble, spawn at the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace to the east of Castle Ensis. This is where you’ll encounter Dryleaf Dane, who can teach you martial arts if you beat him in a bout. Then make your way north through the small lake that leads into a cave. On the other side, you will find the hidden path that leads to the base and plenty of additional routes for you to explore, including to Taylew’s Ruined Forge.
Elden Ring is available now on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.
Published: Jun 26, 2024 08:05 pm