After a few bombshells dropped in the last chapter, Chapter 11 of Emio: The Smiling Man is set to be one of its greatest. We finished with a call to Kamihara because something didn’t feel right, and we’ve got to get to the bottom of it.
Looking for a walkthrough for the previous chapter? You can find a link to that here: Emio: The Smiling Man Chapter 10 Walkthrough.
If you’re looking for a guide for the next chapter, follow this link: Emio: The Smiling Man Chapter 12 Walkthrough.
Table of Contents
Chapter 11 – Inside Kamihara’s Car

We start this chapter inside Kamihara’s car, with him wondering what we may have needed when we called last night. We mentioned that we needed to chat with him about something; he thought we might have solved the case. Unfortunately, that’s not it at all. Ask/Listen to start this chapter off on the right foot.
The Main Character wants to know how Kuze is doing, especially after everything that happened with The Smiling Man incident. Kamihara mentions that she seems to be doing the same as normal, but she did just about jump out of her skin when she heard a loud clunking noise. Otherwise, it’s business as usual.
After this conversation, we’ll receive a new Ask/Listen prompt: the Tie. Bring that up to Kamihara. You’ll mention that when Eisuke was found, he was missing his tie. You’ll mention to Kamihara that you found a necktie that looked similar to the ones that the kids at Minami Daisan Junior High in Kuze’s apartment, and he’s shocked. He’ll mention that he needs to find a place to park, and he’ll look at you very sternly.
Chapter 11 – Pulled Over

Select the Ask/Listen prompt and select the new About Kuze option. You’ll ask Kamihara if he has heard anything from Kuze about it, and he’ll mention that she hasn’t said a word about it. You’ll bring up the box that you discovered on the floor when you were in the apartment, mentioning the Tie and the Envelope.
Kamihara seems upset that we would consider Junko as a suspect in this case, noting the term “suspicious” as a bridge too far. He’ll ask why you think she may have that tie. He’ll call us out for not comparing the tie that was in her apartment to a genuine tie from Minami Daisan Junior High. He’ll ask if we really think that Kuze is the killer, so select Ask/Listen.
You’ll mention that you don’t believe Kuze is the culprit … yet. Kamihara will become silent, so Think about what you should do next. You’ll receive a plethora of new questions that you can ask Kamihara under the Ask/Listen prompt:
- The Tie
- About Kuze
- Motorcycle
- Hair Clip
- The Smiling Man
- Observations
We’ll start with Motorcycle. You’ll mention how Kuze never informed Kamihara about the Motorcycle at the scene, even though you had informed her about it. Kamihara will be coy about it before admitting that Kuze didn’t mention a word about the Motorcycle. He’ll ask if everyone on the force is considered a suspect, due to them all having a motorcycle license. We should Ask/Listen about the Hair Clip next.
We’ll remind Kamihara about the Hair Clip that was attached to the note in her mailbox, and how she acted weird about it. He’ll blame it on the fact that Kuze was likely creeped out about the letter. You’ll mention your visit with Yoshie where you saw Junko wearing the same clip when she was a young girl. Kamihara will mention that it doesn’t look like a particularly unique clip and that you could likely buy one anywhere, while also asking about the Emiko name on the paper.
We should change the subject at this point. Ask/Listen about The Smiling Man. We bring up the fact that it’s weird that Emio would have just randomly followed Kuze of all people back to her house. Kamihara pins it on a psycho who wanted revenge on a cop. We point out that it was weird that there were no eyewitnesses and nobody claims to have seen him. We consider the possibility that Kuze may have made the whole thing up.
Kamihara will have a bit of an outburst, especially because he knows Detective Kuze. He says he knows that she didn’t make it up because she should receive Best Actress if she did. He then proceeds to apologize for his outburst and promises to take us to Koufuku Station.
After dropping us off, Kamihara mentions that we should likely stay away from Detective Kuze for a while. He’ll note her good instincts and that she’ll likely know what we’re thinking. He then jokingly hopes that we make it through this whole situation alive, before bidding us farewell.
Chapter 11 – Koufuku Station

We’ll find ourselves outside of the Koufuku Station. We need to take a moment to Think about what just happened and gather our thoughts. We’ll mention that Kamihara was extremely passionate about his rebuttals, but he also didn’t laugh off our theory. It’s mainly the hair clip that is bugging us. Think once again.
After thinking again, we take note of who our most likely suspect is currently: Minoru Tsuzuki. We can Travel to Todoroki Motors from here, and we should let Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki know that they should contact us when and if Minoru reaches out to them.
Chapter 11 – Todoroki Motors

When you arrive at Todoroki Motors, you’ll discover that it’s currently closed. You can see that there is a sign on the door, so Look/Examine it. It will read that they are closed for a bit and will be back around noon, so we have some time to kill until then. We should Travel to Kamematsu Station in the meantime.
Chapter 11 – Kamematsu Station

Once we arrive at Kamematsu Station, we note that some of the people in the Shopping District may know more about the apartment complex that Minoru lived in. We’ll have a number of people available to talk to:
- Fishmonger
- Produce Market Owner
- Woman Shopper
- Man on phone
Let’s start with the Man on Phone. If we try to speak with him, he’ll let us know that he’s currently on the phone and seems busy, so we won’t bother him. We’ll try the Woman Shopper next. We’ll relay the story to her and ask if she knows anything about it, only to find out that she is a tourist and not from the area. This one is a bust.
Well, let’s try the Produce Market Owner then. He’ll try to sell us on Eggplant, ironically enough, and say if we aren’t buying, we should come back after closing time. Maybe then he’ll have the time to answer our question. Hopefully, our last option isn’t too fishy, even though he’s a Fishmonger himself.
Unfortunately, this one is also a bit of a bust. However, a new set of faces appeared on the scene: the Children from earlier. Call/Engage them and you’ll approach them while they are still wearing the paper bags on their heads.

The kids will pop up and try to scare you, but it doesn’t work. Ask/Listen at them to see why they’re wearing the paper bags on their heads, and they’ll mention that they’re “playing Smiling Man”. We’ll let the kids know that we’re investigating The Smiling Man, and they’ll call us … a weirdo and a pervert. Apparently, our fly is down, which is why they say this. They also make mention of a haunted apartment.
Ask/Listen about the Haunted Apartment. They’ll mention that they don’t know exactly where the haunted apartment is, but their parents have told them to stay away from it because that’s where The Smiling Man lives. Ask/Listen about The Smiling Man.
They’ll talk about some of the legends that they’ve heard, such as the mats and walls being stained red from the blood of victims and that The Smiling Man lives in there and laughs and screams day and night. But, the Kid in the Blue Shirt mentions that supposedly nobody lives in the haunted apartment anymore. They taunt you and mention you should check it out.
After this, a woman will yell at the kids, telling them they should take off the bags because it’s dangerous. They’ll run away, and we have a new lead, but how do we find out where the apartment is? We still need to burn some time, so we should Travel to Koufuku Station.
Chapter 11 – On The Way To Koufuku Station

When we try to go back to Koufuku Station, we’ll discover that half the road is closed off due to construction. There are a few people here that we can Call/Engage, as well:
- Passerby
- Safety Inspector
- Machine Operator
- Site Forman
Let’s start with the Passerby. It’ll turn into a game of telephone, with every message you try to convey her way getting misconstrued before she leaves. That didn’t do anything to help the investigation. Maybe we should try the Safety Inspector, Machine Operator, or Site Forman next?
They’re all too busy to give us the time of day, but once we’ve tried to talk to all of them, a new face will appear on the scene. Call/Engage the Security Guard next. This will cause all the noise to stop, and the Site Foreman will approach us.

Select the Ask/Listen option. We’ll inform the Foreman that we’re looking for someone who lives in an apartment near here, and he’ll say he can’t help us there. Unfortunately, he’s not from the area, but he’s been working here all day, so maybe he’s seen the person. He asks what they look like.
Show the Foreman the Sketch of Minoru Tsuzuki. He’ll mention that he’s never seen anyone that looks like him and asks why we are looking for them. We’ll inform the Foreman that we’re a Detective. You should also Show the Foreman the Sketch of Makoto. He’ll think about it, and we’ll receive a new Ask/Listen prompt.
Select About Makoto. He’ll seem like he knows who it is, but the Foreman won’t say much. Select Observations twice, and he’ll mention that he may have some information, but it could just be a weird coincidence. Think about this, and then try to show him the Sketch of Minoru & Sketch of Makoto again.
After showing him the picture of Makoto again, the Foreman will ask the name of the guy we’re looking for again. After we mention Minoru Tsuzuki, he says he may know him. He’ll say that the Sketch of Makoto is Tsuzki. He’ll ask to see both sketches again, so Show them to him.
He’ll point to the photo of Makoto and say that he’s sure of it. He’ll mention that Tsuzuki worked with him on the site. Ask/Listen about Tsuzuki. He’ll mention that he definitely possibly worked with Tsuzuki on the site in Koufuku City, and after Asking About Tsuzuki again, he’ll mention that he was weird, quiet, and kind of spacey. He was also always wearing a face mask and would hardly ever take it off.
After this, the Foreman will take off since his break is almost over. We’ve got a new lead to work off of, however, so it wasn’t all in vain. Think about the information that you just learned about to recap what the Foreman just mentioned to you. We should Travel back to Todoroki Motors.
Chapter 11 – Todoroki Motors

When we arrive back at Todoroki Motors, we’ll find that Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki have returned. Mrs. Todoroki will come outside and greet us, and we’ll see if we can ask a few more questions. We’ll let her know that there is a chance that Minoru may still be alive and living in the city, and ask if they’ll contact you if he reaches out. Ask/Listen to start the conversation off.
Mrs. Todoroki will ask how you know that Minoru is in town. Think about what you should say next. You’ll think about why Mrs. Todoroki is curious about the situation, and you’ll wonder if you should explain why you think Minoru is in town currently. You’ll need to pick a way that you’d like to progress, so choose the following:
- I should be honest with her and ask for her cooperation
Ask/Listen again, and you’ll ask if Mr. Todoroki is around. You’ll learn that he’s currently out delivering a car, and you’ll ask if it’s okay if you wait until he returns. Mrs. Todoroki would like to know now about the situation, so it’s time to let her know what’s going on. You ask if she’s aware of Eisuke’s case.
You’ll inform her about the recent developments in the case and explain that Minoru Tsuzuki is considered a main suspect in the case. This will give us a few new options in the Ask/Listen menu:
- About Tsuzuki
- The Smiling Man
- Observations
Go through the list of options at this point. Mrs. Todoroki will be silent until you select Observations, when she’ll ask if we really think that Minoru did it. If we select Ask/Listen again, she’ll ask us to leave. She has nothing else to say to someone who thinks that Minoru could have done something so horrible. We should Think about what just happened.
After this, Mr. Todoroki will return. He’ll be very happy to see us and ask if we’ve found Minoru. With the mood slightly soured, Mrs. Todoroki will come back outside, and we’ll tell Mr. Todoroki everything that we’ve learned up to this point. Ask/Listen again after this point.
Mr. Todoroki will tell us to get out of here and that he knows Minoru is no criminal. He’ll call us a punk and accuse us of trying to use them to find Minoru so that you can turn him in. Think about what just happened. You’ll receive a flashback of the last meeting you had with the Todoroki family.
Once you have the chance to do so, Look/Examine at Mr. Todoroki. You’ll receive a new prompt under the Show category: Boy Detective Skills. Use this. You’ll plead with the Todoroki family and explain that you’re just trying to do what’s right and that you just need their support. Mr. Todoroki says that ain’t happening. Ask/Listen to them once again.
You’ll explain what you were trying to do, and it seems to have worked; while they don’t know if Minoru is actually involved in this situation, they want to do what they can to try and help us out. Ask/Listen. Mr. Todoroki will ask that if we find Minoru, they’ll be the first to know. He thinks that Minoru will tell them the truth, as he could never lie to them, and they’ll relay the information to us.
At this time, you’ll receive a few new prompts under the Ask/Listen category:
- About Tsuzuki
- The Smiling Man
- Observations
Select About Tsuzuki. You’ll ask if his apartment is still intact, and Mr. Todoroki will say it’s just as it was. Nothing was done to it, and Minoru had left it in a very bad state. Mrs. Todoroki will draw you up a map. Ask/Listen about The Smiling Man. Mr. Todoroki will mention that he doesn’t know anything about The Smiling Man. Select Observations.
He will apologize for getting so upset earlier and say that we have guts. Think about the information you’ve learned so far. Ask/Listen again, and Mr. Todoroki will mention that they covered everything yesterday. We should Show him the sketch of Minoru Tsuzuki again.
He’ll mention that this is exactly what he imagined that Minoru would look like, and it’s something about the eyes that gives it away. Show him the sketch of Makoto Kuze again, as well. Considering what the Foreman said, maybe this is more along the lines of how Minoru looks now.
You’ll tell Mr. Todoroki about the construction worker that you had met earlier and how they said they knew Tsuzuki. After relaying this information, Mrs. Todoroki will come back outside and mention that the sketch of Minoru is really well done. Ask about Observations, and Mr. Todoroki will say that the person on the right (Makoto) has been doing the bad deeds and pinning them on Minoru.
Think about the situation as it stands, and Mr. Todoroki will ask that you find Minoru soon. He’ll also ask that we catch the person who has been “impersonating” him to bring him to justice. Mrs. Todoroki will hand over the map that she drew at this time. Travel to Minoru’s Apartment.
Chapter 11 – Tsuzuki’s Apartment

We’ll arrive at Tsuzuki’s old apartment building to find it in ruins. We’ll want to Look/Examine at everything in the area to get an idea of what we can expect to deal with here. After examining everything, you’ll deduce that this place is not fit for human inhabitance, meaning that he’s likely not living here at the moment. Think about what you should do next.
After thinking, you’ll notice a man on the right side of the screen. Call/Engage him. The Old Man will approach you and ask what you’re doing here. Select Ask/Listen to see if you can ask him any questions, and he will agree. Selecting Ask/Listen again will bring up some new prompts:
- Apartment
- About Tsuzuki
- The Smiling Man
- Observations
Select each of these options twice, and the Old Man will give you nothing but incomprehensible answers. This isn’t going anywhere, so maybe we should just Travel and leave the area.

When we try to leave, the Old Man finally perks up and mentions he was here when the incident happened. Ask/Listen about it to see if the Old Man remembers anything about what happened. He’ll keep mentioning that “he saw it.” Show him both sketches that you have in your possession, and he will mention that he saw a couple: a man and woman in love.
Ask/Listen three times. He’ll tell you about what he saw in the building and mention that he’s being watched. He mentions “that smile.” Ask/Listen again, and he’ll mention that he’s scared — scared of the white circle. You can continue to Ask/Listen for a while, and the old man will grow increasingly more out there with his answers. We should Travel again.
Once we select this, the man will mention something about “the blood stain.” Think about everything you’ve heard, and the Old Man will mention he saw a Masked Man covered in blood that night. Ask/Listen again to try to get more information out of the Old Man, and he’ll mention that he’s scared.
After this, a woman will enter the scene, mentioning that if she takes her eyes off of him for a moment, he’ll wander off and start rambling nonsense to strangers. The old man will mention that there is a dangerous masked man in the area and that Hiroshi shouldn’t “play” around here.
The woman will whisk the old man away, leaving us here by ourselves once again. Think about what just happened, and we’ll recap that we’re still confused as to why the Site Foreman would look at Makoto’s sketch and say it was Tsuzuki. Travel back to the Road Construction Site.
Chapter 11 – Road Construction Site (Return)

When we arrive, the Site Foreman will still be on the job site. Select Ask/Listen, and he will approach you but let you know that he doesn’t have much time. There was a change of plans and work is stopping early today. Hopefully, we’ll have enough time to figure out the Makoto/Minoru situation at least.
Show him both of the sketches again. The Foreman will mention that no matter how many times we show him, things aren’t going to change. He will notice, however, that there is another worker on the site that knows Tsuzuki. He’ll run over and grab him, bringing him to us.
The Foreman will bring over the Driver, and you should Show both sketches to them. The Driver will also point to the photo of Makoto, swearing that it’s Tsuzuki. Think about what you just heard. Two people have seen and confirmed that Makoto is Tsuzuki. Ask/Listen to what the Driver has to say.
The Driver will also confirm that he was strange, hardly ever spoke, and kept to himself. They invited him out to drinks once, and he just gave them a look and laughed it off. Select the Observations option. They’ll mention that he didn’t make much of an impression, but he seemed like an OK kind of guy.
Select Observations again to ask if there was anything that Tsuzuki/Makoto did that seemed impressionable. The Driver will mention what he did on the last day of the job. Ask/Listen to learn more details. They dropped him off in the middle of nowhere, and he began weeding through overgrown weeds on his way up to the mountains. Ask/Listen again to see where they dropped him off.
The Driver will mention they dropped him off at a place called Yamanba Pass. We’ll have the option to Travel here now. Select this option to bring Chapter 11 of Emio: The Smiling Man to a close and start up the final chapter.
Emio: The Smiling Man is available to play now on Nintendo Switch.
Published: Sep 6, 2024 03:19 pm