Valby has become one of the most popular Descendants, but acquiring all the materials to research her can be difficult. Here’s how to get a Valby Stabilizer in The First Descendant.
The Fastest Way to Get a Valby Stabilizer
To start, the Valby Stabilizer can only be acquired in The First Descendant after looting the Valby Stabilizer Blueprint. That can only be received by opening a specific Amorphous Material Pattern. To get that specific Amorphous Material Pattern, you need to complete certain missions in the Echo Swamp region of The First Descendant. Fortunately, the Amorphous Material Pattern is a guaranteed drop for completing these missions.

But once you have the Amorphous Material Pattern you need, you have to complete a specific Void Mission to open it. This Void Mission requires Organic and Monomer Void Shards, the former of which can be extremely difficult to get. After all of that, you can complete the Void Mission for a chance at receiving the Valby Stabilizer from the opened Amorphous Material Pattern. If you don’t get the Valby Stabilizer, you have to start the entire process over again.
Allow me to go into more detail in the steps below:
- The Valby Stabilizer can be looted by opening the Amorphous Material Pattern 020, which is earned by completing the following mission: [Echo Swamp] [Normal] – Muskeg Swamp: Vulgus Strategic Outpost
- Once you complete that mission, you’ll receive one of the 020 patterns. The 020 pattern can only be opened at the following Void Mission: [Echo Swamp] [Normal] – Muskeg Swamp Void Fusion Reactor
- To complete the Void Fusion Reactor mission in Muskeg Swamp, you need 11 Organic Shards and 4 Monomer Shards. Void Shards are only earned by destroying Void Fragments, but not all Void Fragments reward you with the same kind of Void Shards. The Muskeg Swamp Void Fragment rewards 4 Organic Shards and 4 Monomer Void Shards, but it requires a Fire element to destroy. Lepic or Blair are recommended for this.
- Once you have the 11 and 4 Void Shards you need, go to the Muskeg Swamp Void Mission and complete it. At the end, use the Amorphous Material Pattern 020 on the Reconstructed Device. You have a 38% chance to receive the Valby Stabilizer blueprint from this. If you don’t get the blueprint, you have to start over.

If you get lucky and earn the Valby Stabilizer blueprint, you just need the following materials to research the Valby Stabilizer with Anais:
- 246 Monad Shard
- 239 Compound Coating Material
- 40 Murky Energy Residue
- 200,000 gold

You can hover over each of these materials at Anais‘ shop and press “Acquisition Info” to see where they are acquired in The First Descendant. Once you have the right materials along with the blueprint, you can begin research on the Valby Stabilizer. Hopefully, the RNG gods look favorably upon you and you don’t have to spend too long grinding for the blueprint.
The First Descendant is available now.
Published: Jul 11, 2024 12:41 pm