It’s time to return to Azeroth for another World of Warcraft expansion. The epic new expansion contains a ton of quality of life, striking new zones, and very story driven campaign! Here’s get the War Within campaign started in World of Warcraft.
How To Start the War Within Campaign in Wow
With how amazing the new War Within expansion has been received thus far, no doubt you’ll be itching to get in on the action. To get started, you’ll need to make sure you fit a couple of requirements. First, you’ll need to be on a character that is level 70 (the max level from Dragonflight) to be eligible to start the campaign. Next, you’ll need to be in your respective main city. For Horde, this will be Orgrimmar, and for Alliance, that will be Stormwind. Upon entering the main city, you should automatically receive a quest to accept the title ‘Visions of Azeroth’ which will be labelled as a War Within quest.

If you don’t automatically receive this quest, have a look on your map for an NPC offering it within the city for you to accept.
After accepting the quest, you’ll be given a Dalaran Hearthstone and a Teleport Scroll to Silithus. Use the Teleport Scroll, and you’ll find your faction leader there, ready to greet you. They’ll offer you a quest called “A Poor Reception,” which you’ll want to accept. Before you start it though, I’d recommend selecting the Play Movie option to get a sweet reminder of story events that lead in to and set up The War Within before you get started.
Complete this intro quest line with Alleria Windrunner which will only take around 20 minutes or so. Once finished, you’ll be told to go meet her, Khadgar and the faction leaders in Dalaran. From this point, the campaign well and truly kicks off. Of course, if you encounter a bug or two, there’s a few ways you can resolve that.
That’s how you set yourself up to start the wild ride that is the War Within expansion for World of Warcraft. It’s an excellent story and quite short. So take your time and enjoy playing through it!
World of Warcraft is available to play now.
Published: Aug 30, 2024 04:53 am