Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT V) comes with plenty of optional DLC content. Here’s how you can claim and use the DLC content in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT V).
How to Use the Mitama Dance DLC in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT V)
The Mitama Dance DLCs are activated automatically as soon as you buy them and update your game. Divided into Mitama Dance of Wealth, Mitama Dance of EXP and Mitama Dance of Miracles, these DLC packs will drastically increase the spawning rate of the corresponding Mitama enemies around the map.
Initially rare spawns, the DLC takes it to a whole new level, with large groups of Mitamas appearing everywhere. These enemies are quirky with their weaknesses, but always wield precious items to help you grow stronger at an astonishing pace. Simply beating a few Mitamas can give you tons of Macca, Grimoires (instant Demon level up), Gospels (instant Nahobino level up) and Large Glory Crystals to learn Miracles faster.

You can disable this DLC at any time by heading to System > Options > Mitama Appearance and setting it back to “Standard” instead of “Increase”. While that’s how you can claim and use the DLC in Shin Megami Tensei V, there are still a few quests you can unlock, too.
How to Start DLC Quests in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)
All DLC quests can be started at the Tokyo Diet Building, accessible once you complete the Minato Ward in Da’at, which is the very first one. Visit the building and head back to the corridor where you defeated Nuwa. There will be tons of Bethel researchers here, but no quests to accept. So, speak with the Head Researcher next to the stairs at the entrance and select “Offer assistance”.

Once you do, all NPCs will now offer you quests relating to DLC demons. The DLC Demons from the base SMT V (Artemis, Cleopatra, and Mephisto) are included for free in Vengeance, so make sure to come here even if you haven’t bought any DLC to start them. These Demons have some of the most powerful, unique moves in the game and are worth keeping around.
If you haven’t bought the Konohana Sakuya and the Dagda DLC packs yet, you’ll notice two NPCs not giving you anything. They will eventually give you the quest once you get the packs, but you’ll need to speak with the Head Researcher and offer your assistance once again before they do.
All quests can be tackled at any point in the game, but it’s recommended to do it during the recommended levels (50 for Konohana Sakuya, 75 for Dagda). You’ll be able to fuse them once you defeat them in battle, so good luck!
SMT V Vengeance is available now.
Published: Jun 15, 2024 10:35 am