Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V) features quests where you control specific Demons to help them complete specific tasks, such as Pixie on the Case. Here’s how to complete Pixie on the Case in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT V).
How to Complete Pixie on the Case in Shin Megami Tensei V (SMT V)
Pixie on the Case can be obtained from Pixie in the fairies’ village in Shinagawa, as soon as you get the “A Golden Opportunity” main quest. Speak with Pixie and agree to help her find the Demon who stole the golden apple (which is actually just an Amalgam) among various suspects. Once you accept her quest, you take control of Pixie to start your investigation.

If you’re playing the Canon of Vengeance, it’s advised to finish this side quest before progressing with the next main quest (“Go to Yuzuru’s Aid”), or it might be unavailable for the rest of the game due to certain story events.
While controlling Pixie, you need to gather testimonies from each of the Demons involved with the apple. Speak with each of the groups (the Jack brothers, the Pixies, the Agathions and the Unicorn), but be careful with their stories, as each group has a peculiarity:
- The Pixies always tell the truth
- The Agathions always lie
- One of the Jack brothers always lies, while the other always tells the truth
- The Unicorn was hurt and couldn’t have stolen the apple, and she always tells the truth.
Speak with all of them and review their testimonies, then get ready to point out the true culprit in this case.

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Which of the Demons Stole the Apple?
After evaluating all stories and checking all available info, you’ll conclude that Jack’o Lantern is the apple thief. Here’s how we got to that conclusion. The Pixies claim that the Agathion was watching the apple when it vanished. The Agathion said that no one else came close to the apple, and it was already gone when they left. As we know, they’re lying. Which means that the apple vanished after the Agathion left.
The Unicorn confirms this story, leaving us with the Jacks. Jack Frost says the thief was a Demon that could fly, while Jack-‘o-Lantern said that it could use Electricity. Pixie and Agathion both can use Zio, but they’re clear thanks to Unicorn, so Jack-‘o-Lantern is lying. This means that Jack Frost is telling the truth, so the thief can only be his brother.

Successfully pointing out Jack-‘o-Lantern as the culprit awards you with the aforementioned golden apple (which is a 100-Glory-worth Amalgam) and the Unwrit Neutral Periapt, which unlocks another Magatsuhi skill for Demons of the Fairy, Beast, Jirae and UMA types. You’ll also unlock Pixie as a Navigator. She can be found next to the North Shinagawa Leyline, whenever you want to bring her for exploration. She specializes in finding recovery items and gems, so bring her along if you’re low on these!
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is available on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Published: Jun 14, 2024 01:15 am