The best Baizhi build in Wuthering Waves will make sure you can keep your team alive at all times and maybe even deal some damage along the way. Just because she’s a four-star doesn’t mean she can’t do the job, so let’s get into it.
Best Baizhi Build in Wuthering Waves
Baizhi is a unique character in Wuthering Waves because she uses an adorable animal companion to help her attack and heal. Sure, Encore has her creepy dolls, but there’s really no competition there.
Unfortunately, Baizhi doesn’t do great when it comes to pure damage, so you’ll want to avoid using her basic attacks for such. But with that said, they can still be useful. Using Baizhi’s basic attacks will build up her Forte Circuit, and using a heavy attack once it’s full will help recover both Resonance Energy and Concerto Energy, making it a useful battery effect. It also restores a little health, but we really do mean a little.
Baizhi’s Resonance skill will regenerate HP for the whole team along with dealing a bit of damage, which is a good thing. Her Resonance Liberation also restores HP for everyone and lets her do a little bit of off-field damage as well.
Finally, you’ve got all the passives. When Baizhi uses her Resonance skill, she generates a field that buffs your characters’ attacks and also restores a little more HP to her team when she uses her heavy attack. Both her intro and outro skills will heal your party, but her outro skill will also buff your incoming character with a damage Deepen, making her a solid buffer just with her basic kit. However, we don’t have to just rely on her basic kit.
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Best Baizhi Echoes in Wuthering Waves
Baizhi’s main Echo should be the Bell-Borne Geochelone. This Echo deals a bit of Glacio damage upon use while also granting a shield that can block three hits over the next 15 seconds. While the shield reduces the damage of blocked hits, it will also grant a damage boost as well, so not getting hit is always a good idea here. You’ll want this Echo to be in the Rejuvenating Glow set because that’s the set we want for Baizhi.
Rejuvenating Glow grants a boost to healing, which is ideal, and also makes it so that whenever Baizhi heals, she buffs the attack of the entire team for thirty seconds. This further builds on basically everything you want Baizhi to do, meaning she offers not only decent healing but a mix of different buffs to your team as well, which allows her to fulfill the support role very well. While Baizhi’s not quite as good at this as Verina, she’s still a respectable support character and, again, has a cute monster helping her out.
For stats, you’ll want to load Baizhi up on Healing Bonus, Energy Regen, and HP. There’s no need to worry about Crit Rate or Crit damage, and Attack is essentially meaningless here too. You could always build Baizhi as a main DPS if you want, but we’re so early in the game that finding good buffers for the weaker attackers is hard to do, so we wouldn’t recommend it just yet. You basically want as much Energy Regen as you can get on Baizhi, so don’t worry about overcapping on that front.
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Best Baizhi Weapons in Wuthering Waves
As it stands, Baizhi doesn’t have that many great weapon choices. There are no five-star weapons that suit what she wants to do, which means that the top spot is the four-star weapon Variation. This weapon has an Energy Regen substat, which is great, and also restores Concerto Energy upon Resonance skill use. It should allow for shorter on-field times for Baizhi, which means that you can spend more time on your DPS units and doling out big damage because of her buffs and healing.
Oddly enough, one of the other best options for Baizhi right now is a three-star weapon: Rectifier of Voyager. Much like Voyager, this weapon has an Energy Regen substat and also restores energy after using the Resonance skill. The advantage of it being a three-star weapon means you’re more likely to come into multiple copies of it too, so that’s a big boost to its general power.
And that’s it for the best Baizhi build in Wuthering Waves.
Wuthering Waves is available now.
Published: Jun 1, 2024 08:30 pm