One of the best ways to earn powerful items in The First Descendant is to complete Void Intercept Battles for rewards. This guide will cover how those rewards work and whether you need to worry about any resets before you get to grinding.
Void Intercept Rewards in The First Descendant Explained

There is no reset or timer for Void Intercept Rewards. Any time you complete one of the Intercept Battles, you are guaranteed to earn more than a few powerful items as a result. That means you can keep queuing into these boss battles to quickly gear your Descendant up. If you get lucky, you can earn some of the rare modules or tools needed for additional research with Anais. As long as you don’t mind the grind, you can keep jumping into the battles.
Instead of a daily or weekly reset on the Void Intercept rewards, the bottleneck is in the missions. Standard missions around the map will all have specific items such as character items that can drop as a reward. Players need to keep grinding these missions out to unlock more opportunities for loot and gain levels in the process. The end of each major map in the game always brings you to the next Interceptor Battle boss. Late-game sections will make this gameplay loop even more lucrative if you want a decent build.
Related: How to Play Private or Solo in The First Descendant
When you look at the Void Intercept Battle Research, you can see that there are two different difficulties. Hard mode unlocks after the initial 100 levels in the game and is yet another section of rewards that you can grind. Endgame means spending plenty of time in these battles without any resets to worry about so you can get the build you deserve.
The First Descendant is available now on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.
Published: Jul 2, 2024 09:41 pm