You’re not alone if you’ve found yourself struggling during The First Descendant Devourer battle. Here’s how to beat the Devourer in The First Descendant.
The Best Mods and Loadouts for Devourer in The First Descendant

As with any of the Void Intercept Battles that you can partake in, you’ll want to focus your attention on Weak Points as often as possible. Since the Devourer suffers from a supreme weakness due to Electrical damage, I would strongly suggest bringing a souped-up version of the Thunder Cage to this battle. Alongside this weapon, bring anything that happens to have a massive damage potential, such as Sniper Rifles or Hand Cannons. For mods, I would recommend at least swapping one to the following:
- Descendant Module: Toxic Antibody, Increased HP, Increased Shield
- Weapon Modules: Brisk Walk (If obtained), Electric Priority, Fire Rate Up, Weak Point Detection
- Primary Weapon: Thunder Cage (Level 53+)
- Secondary Weapon: Nazeistra’s Devotion (Level 53+)
- Alternate Weapon: Sniper Rifle/Shotgun
For this particular battle, picking a Descendant with Electrical power may be the most important part. While you may love maining Freyna, she’s going to be useless here, as the Devourer has extreme poison resistance. With plenty of Descendants to choose from, I would suggest bringing one of the following for maximum damage potential:
- Bunny
- Ajax
- Kyle
- Yujin (If doing Public/Team)
- Blair
The Devourer Weakness & Weak Points

Weak points and Electricity are going to be your best friends during this fight, so we would recommend either going into this one Solo using the aforementioned builds from above while playing as Bunny, or getting a squad of your friends together using multiple Bunny’s and a Yujin, if possible. As for the Devourer’s weak points, you’ll find these to be the easiest to destroy:
- Sensor (Breakable)
- Core Cover (Breakable)
- Balancer/Knees (Breakable)
- Core (Removeable)
- Shoulders (Removeable)
Unlike the Dead Bride, there are no parts that you can break here to stop the incoming onslaught, so you’ll just need to be prepared to battle against this massive monster.
The Complete Devourer Walkthrough in The First Descendant

As soon as the match starts, I recommend focusing on the Balancers on the Devourer’s knees in The First Descendant. It’s a large target, easy to hit no matter which character you’re playing as, and can deal a massive amount of damage if a critical hit lands. Continue working on these particular parts as often as possible, and switch it up occasionally to target other weak points.

I decided to enter this battle as Ajax for a variety of reasons. His special skill, Hyper Cube, allowed me to throw up a shield to surround myself and my allies from some of the damage that the Devourer could throw our way, and if I found myself being targeted, I could throw up an Orbit Barrier to keep myself alive. One thing I would strongly suggest is if you’re being targeted; just keep running and let your teammates focus their damage on the Devourer. If you’re playing solo, you may not have this luxury, however.

As if the Devourer wasn’t difficult enough, you’ll have a few other things to worry about. First are the Roly-Poly enemies that will be sent out onto the field. They don’t pack much of a punch, but they can be annoying, especially if you find yourself stuck in the middle of being targeted by the Devourer. You’ll also find that there are areas of the map that are going to be overrun with poison; this is going to absolutely demolish your shields in record time, so make sure that you’re prepared to avoid them whenever you spot them.

As mentioned above, if you cause enough damage to Devourer’s weak points, he’ll drop to the ground. This gives you plenty of time to cause significant damage to this Colossus, and hopefully bring it down in health enough for the most obnoxious part of this fight.

The worst part about this fight has to be the Symbionts. These are dropped when the Devourer has lost enough health and needs to be immediately targeted. If you don’t get inside of the green bubble and begin attacking these as quickly as possible, the Devourer can start to restore not only its health but also its shields. Use your higher-powered secondary weapon or your alternate weapon to rip through these quickly and get rid of them as fast as possible.
If you’re diligent, you may be able to pass this boss on your first try. It’s going to be rather difficult, as the Devourer is easily the toughest boss we’ve faced up to this point, but with enough patience and practice, we know you’ll have them down in no time.
The First Descendant is available to play now.
Published: Jul 8, 2024 03:53 pm