Traditionally, Treyarch has been the one Call of Duty developer not to include a Nuke killstreak in its games. However, that changed with Black Ops Cold War, and the devs have decided to bring back the Nuke in Black Ops 6 (BO6). Here’s how you can call in the killstreak.
How Do You Call in a Nuke Killstreak in BO6?

If you check the scorestreaks section of the “Weapons” tab in BO6 multiplayer, you won’t see any mention of a Nuke streak. This is because the streak is hidden but also available for every player regardless of what other streaks they have equipped. Every time you enter a multiplayer match, you are able to call in the Nuke if you meet the requirements to earn it.
The Nuke can only be earned if you go on a 30 killstreak in BO6. This killstreak can only be made up of gun or equipment kills; kills from streaks won’t count toward the Nuke. You can use other streaks such as UAVs to aid you in getting kills, but kills from a Chopper Gunner, for example, aren’t allowed. Moreover, the Nuke is only available in core 6v6 modes. This means Face Off and Gunfight modes won’t allow you to call in a Nuke, as those modes have scorestreaks disabled entirely.
Going on a 30 killstreak is incredibly difficult in BO6, as it’s always been in other CoD titles that feature a similar Nuke streak. Not only does it require a tremendous amount of skill, but it can also take a large amount of time. I recommend playing objective modes, such as Domination or Hardpoint, to try and go for a Nuke, as those offer the best chance at longer matches.
Related: How To Use Perk Combat Specialties in Black Ops 6
You’ll also want to have the right loadout equipped. A strong weapon, such as the Jackal PDW, and specific perks and equipment are hugely helpful. The best perks to run are ones that extend your life or keep you hidden from enemies, so perhaps a setup of Ninja, Ghost, or Scavenger is a solid place to start. As for equipment, a Stim and Semtex are going to be your best friend, and then you can pair that with the Assault Pack Field Upgrade to re-acquire your equipment after using it.
And that’s how to drop a Nuke in Black Ops 6 (BO6).
The Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 beta is live now, and the full game releases on October 25, 2024.
Published: Sep 9, 2024 12:14 pm