FFXIV has implemented various methods for players to get mounts, but the Rroneek might be among the most unique. Here’s how you can get the oversized (and overhorned) Rroneek Mount in FFXIV.
Where to Get the Rroneek Mount in FFXIV
The Rroneek mount can be obtained from the Splendors Vendor in Solution Nine (X:9.1, Y:13.2) by exchanging it for 100 Rroneek Horn Totems in FFXIV. Each Totem costs 1,000 Orange Gatherers’ Scrips at any Scrip Exchange NPC, and is available for purchase after you reach Level 100 with any Disciple of Land class (Miner, Botanist or Fisher).
So getting to 100 Totems requires a huge total of 100,000 Scrips, which can take you a long time to get. Fortunately, the Totems are tradeable, so you can buy them from the Market Board to speed up your process, as you can only carry up to 4000 Orange Scrips at once.

Orange Gatherers’ Scrips can be obtained by completing Level 100 Deliveries, which all require gathering Collectables, the hardest items to get in the game. You can easily harvest them with enough gear and correct rotations, but the most valuable ones are time-gated, so you’re only able to get so much of them before their spawn window closes.
Related: How to Get Hammerhead Crocodile Skin in FFXIV
Another alternative is doing Custom Deliveries, where you only need to gather simpler items for NPCs to be rewarded with hundreds of easy Scrips, especially if that certain NPC has a bonus for Gatherers during the week. However, these are usually best spent on leveling your unleveled Crafters/Gatherers, so prioritize them if you haven’t leveled them all to 100 just yet.
This method for getting the Rroneek mount is similar to how you can obtain the Ty’aitya, being an equivalent for Gatherers who rarely have mounts available for them. While it’s not the easiest of the methods, it’s yet another incentive for players to get on the crafting/gathering rabbit hole, which becomes deeper the more you engage with it.
FFXIV is available to play now.
Published: Jul 11, 2024 09:42 am