The Shinjuku Ward in SMT V: Vengeance is somewhat unique as it’s the only one to feature two different side-choosing quests, as you can meet the opposing Kudlak and Kresnik during its second half. As usual, siding with each of them has its advantages and downsides, and here are them.
Should You Choose Kudlak or Kresnik in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance? (SMT V)
This decision is exclusive to the Canon of Vengeance, as the Shinjuku Ward isn’t available in the Canon of Creation. You’re bound to meet Kudlak first, as he’s around the Kabukicho area you’ll visit during the storyline. He’s next to the Jewels merchant Attis, and is found inside a building. There are no prerequisite quests before you meet him.

The vampire Kudlak asks for your help to deal with the hunter Kresnik, offering you one of his self-made beverages as a reward, claiming that it could make you even more powerful. If you accept his request, he gives you Kresnik’s location and demands you to exterminate him.
Kresnik can be found next to the Government Building 1 Leyline, but you need to go through the Magatsu Rail next to reach him heading to the West Shinjuku 1st Block Leyline and going down the street until you see a Magatsu Rail next to a building (you may need to reveal it with your Navigator first). From there, just follow the quest icon until you see him.
Kresnik tells you the true wicked nature of the beverage prepared by Kudlak, and vows you to eliminate the vampire instead. In traditional fashion, choosing to help a side will put you against the other, leading to a battle against the unfavored Demon.
Choosing to side with Kresnik will increase your Law alignment, putting you on the road to the Law ending for the Vengeance canon and recruiting Kresnik to your team. Siding with Kudlak will increase your Chaos alignment instead, adding the vampire to your Demon stock and settling you for the Chaos ending. Your choice should be based on which ending you’re going for in your playthrough.
But if we base it on rewards alone, Kresnik is the superior choice here. His overall superior stats and movepool, despite his Wind weakness, make him a better choice for a Demon at this point of the game. There aren’t many other powerful light-based Demons to find in Shinjuku, but plenty of them are weak to the element, including some of the boss battles in the area.
Kudlak has the huge benefit of absorbing Darkness, but his weakness to Fire can be very crippling, and many other Demons could fulfill the role of Dark-user in your team. Most importantly, you can easily find Kudlak in the very next ward, making this choice somewhat useless in a few more hours of gameplay. Both Demons can be fused at any time, though, even if you haven’t completed the quest yet.

Related: Shin Megami Tensei V: All New Demons & How to Get Them (SMT V)
As for the fights, you should be fine as long as you’re protected against Light (Kresnik) or Dark (Kudlak). Both of them also use their respective elements as their Magatsuhi Skills, so you should be fine if you have resistances. In the worst case, a Dampener should save you. Kudlak can be more annoying with his ailments, though, so bring a Demon with Me Patra too.
Overall, the choice between Kudlak or Kresnik won’t affect much of your playthrough in SMT V Vengeance, but make sure you’re still leaning toward the correct ending path you’re looking for, or you might have an unpleasing surprise toward the end of the game.
SMT V Vengeance is available now.
Published: Jun 27, 2024 12:02 am